Challenges of Obtaining Primary Data from Suppliers: Navigating the Complexities of Supply Chain Transparency

Accurate data from suppliers is vital for assessing Scope 3 emissions. Amidst complexities, collaboration between CSO, CPO, and CDO is key. With leadership driving sustainability and CDOs providing data support, businesses navigate the path to net-zero.

Challenges of Obtaining Primary Data from Suppliers: Navigating the Complexities of Supply Chain Transparency
Photo by Mike Kononov / Unsplash

In a world where every purchase has an environmental footprint, understanding the true impact of our choices has never been more critical. But as businesses race to disclose their carbon footprints, a hidden challenge lurks in the shadows: obtaining accurate primary data from suppliers. Dive into the intricate web of supply chain transparency and discover the hurdles companies face in their quest for sustainability.

In the contemporary sustainability-driven business landscape, understanding and mitigating environmental impact is paramount. Central to this is the accurate acquisition of primary data from suppliers, especially when assessing Scope 3 emissions. As highlighted by recent articles in both Nature and the Financial Times, this task is riddled with complexities. This article sheds light on these challenges, drawing insights from industry experts and leading publications.

1. Diverse Supplier Base:
A company's supply chain often comprises a vast and varied set of suppliers. Each may have its unique data collection methods and reporting standards. As the Financial Times notes, companies like Carlsberg have direct emissions from operations, but their Scope 3 emissions encompass the entire process of getting a product to the customer, introducing multiple layers of complexity.

2. Lack of Standardization:
The absence of a global standard for sustainability data collection and reporting means suppliers often present data in diverse formats. Nature emphasizes the current reliance on industry averages and approximations, which can be imprecise and complicate the process of data comparison and validation.

3. Confidentiality Concerns:
Suppliers may withhold certain data, fearing the disclosure of proprietary or competitive information. Such hesitations can result in data gaps or the provision of only generalized figures.

4. Resource Constraints:
Smaller suppliers might not possess the necessary resources or expertise for detailed sustainability data reporting. The absence of dedicated teams or sophisticated tools can introduce potential inaccuracies.

5. Cultural and Geographical Differences:
For multinational corporations, regional variations pose a challenge. Different areas might interpret sustainability differently, have unique regulatory mandates, or vary in sustainability awareness. The Financial Times highlights how cultural and geographical differences can affect the perception and reporting of Scope 3 emissions.

6. Data Verification Challenges:
Authenticating the accuracy of supplier data is vital. However, this verification can be resource-intensive, often necessitating third-party audits or certifications. Nature underscores the challenges of primary data sharing, including legal and regulatory issues and data privacy concerns.

7. Temporal Mismatches:
Suppliers' data might not synchronize with a company's reporting timeline, leading to the use of outdated or partial data in sustainability assessments.

8. Incomplete Supply Chain Visibility:
Many businesses only have insights into their immediate (tier 1) suppliers. Yet, substantial environmental impacts might manifest further down the supply chain. The Financial Times emphasizes that Scope 3 emissions of one company can be the Scope 1 and 2 emissions of another, highlighting the interconnectedness of the supply chain.

The Role of Leadership and Reporting Standards:
A pivotal aspect of addressing these challenges is the collaboration between the Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), and Chief Procurement Officer (CPO). Their combined expertise ensures accurate data reporting, drives sustainability initiatives, and fosters strong supplier relationships. However, as highlighted by the Financial Times, the current state of emissions reporting lacks the rigour seen in financial reporting. This discrepancy can lead to misleading data, especially in Scope 3 emissions, which often remain underreported or misrepresented. For companies to genuinely champion sustainability, they must adopt rigorous reporting standards, be transparent about their entire emissions spectrum, and avoid greenwashing tactics. Investors, too, have a responsibility to hold companies accountable, ensuring that the data presented is both accurate and comprehensive.

As businesses worldwide confront the challenges of climate change and sustainability, data emerges as an indispensable tool. While leadership from various sectors drives the sustainability agenda, CDOs play a crucial supportive role. With their expertise and vision, they provide the necessary data infrastructure and insights, aiding in the transformation of raw data into actionable strategies. The journey to net-zero is intricate and challenging, but with the combined efforts of leadership and the support of data experts like CDOs, businesses are better equipped to navigate this path with confidence and precision.


Empowering the Business with Data: The CDO’s Role in Scope 3 Emissions Management
In the quest for net-zero, data emerges as a pivotal ally. Dive into the intricate relationship between data and Scope 3 emissions, and discover the transformative role Chief Data Officers play in guiding businesses towards sustainable futures.