Scope3 Weekly (August 18, 2023): From Personal Commitment to Collective Action - Navigating the Climate Crisis Together

Scope3 Weekly (August 18, 2023): From Personal Commitment to Collective Action - Navigating the Climate Crisis Together
Photo taken outside the Royal Festival Hall where the Climate Conversation was held

🌍 Hello, Sustainability Champions!

As I sit down to pen this newsletter, a thought lingers in my mind: every 5 weeks represents 1% of this decade. By the end of this year, we'll be 60% through the 2020s. Time is fleeting, and with each passing moment, the urgency to address global warming intensifies.

I often look into the eyes of my two daughters and wonder about the world they'll inherit. It's a personal mission of mine to ensure that when they ask about my role in combating climate change, I can confidently say I did everything in my power to make a difference. I launched with this very intent - to make the biggest impact possible in minimising global warming.

I share this with you not just as a reflection but as a call to action. Together, we can drive change, inspire others, and leave a legacy of positive impact for future generations.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Warm regards,

Mark Perera

Spotlight: From Inspiration to Collective Action

We recently published an article reflecting on "The Climate Conversation" held at The South Bank Centre. This event served as a profound reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis and our collective responsibility.