The Evolution of Climate Reporting: Unpacking the SEC's Proposal and Its Synergy with CDP

The SEC's new proposed climate disclosure rule marks a pivotal shift in corporate sustainability reporting. With CDP Climate's widespread corporate adoption, understanding their synergy is crucial. As regulations evolve, transparent, evidence-backed reporting becomes paramount

The Evolution of Climate Reporting: Unpacking the SEC's Proposal and Its Synergy with CDP
Photo by Ashton Bingham / Unsplash

As the call for climate accountability amplifies, the SEC's new proposed climate disclosure rule emerges as a game-changer. With CDP Climate's widespread adoption in the corporate world, understanding the interplay between these two giants becomes essential for businesses navigating this new terrain.

In an era where climate action is no longer optional but imperative, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposed climate disclosure rule marks a significant stride. Meanwhile, the CDP Climate, with its high adoption rate among corporations, has long been a beacon of environmental transparency, guiding businesses in their sustainability endeavors.

The SEC’s New Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule: An Overview

The SEC's proposal is a testament to the increasing importance of climate-related risks in the financial and corporate sectors. Key components of this rule include:

  • Climate-Related Risks: Companies are expected to disclose how climate-related risks affect their business, strategy, and financial planning.
  • Scope 3 Emissions: A notable inclusion, businesses are now required to disclose indirect emissions if material or if requested by shareholders.
  • Governance and Oversight: Details on how management and the board oversee climate-related risks.

This move by the SEC underscores the growing demand from investors and stakeholders for transparent, consistent, and comparable climate-related disclosures.

CDP's Stance and Contribution

The CDP has been a frontrunner in promoting environmental transparency. With insights derived from its vast corporate engagement, the CDP offers:

  • A structured framework that aligns well with the SEC's objectives.
  • Tools and guidelines that have been refined over years, aiding businesses in accurate and comprehensive reporting.

Given the CDP Climate's significant adoption in the corporate sector, it stands as a valuable reference point for businesses aiming to meet the SEC's new requirements.

Intersections and Divergences

While there's significant overlap between the CDP's guidelines and the SEC's proposed rule, businesses should be aware of:

  • Common Ground: Both emphasize the importance of disclosing Scope 3 emissions, governance structures, and climate-related risks.
  • Divergences: The SEC's rule might introduce additional requirements or specific methodologies for disclosure, which companies need to be cognizant of.

Practical Implications for Businesses

Navigating the new rule will come with its set of challenges and opportunities:

  • Challenges: Ensuring compliance, especially around Scope 3 emissions, which can be intricate to calculate and report.
  • Opportunities: Leveraging platforms like the CDP can simplify the transition. Moreover, transparent reporting can enhance corporate reputation and investor relations.

Businesses should also be prepared for potential audits, emphasizing the importance of accurate and evidence-backed reporting.


The climate disclosure landscape is undergoing a transformative shift. As regulations tighten and stakeholder expectations rise, platforms like the CDP will be instrumental in guiding businesses. Embracing transparency, leveraging established frameworks, and staying proactive are the keys to navigating this evolving terrain.

Decoding the ISSB Standards: What Businesses Need to Know
The ISSB’s introduction of climate-related disclosure standards is a game-changer for businesses worldwide. This article delves into the nuances of these standards and their implications for companies aiming to align with global sustainability goals.


  1. CDP. (2022). "3 vital things to know about the SEC’s new proposed climate disclosure rule and where CDP fits in."
  2. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2022). "SEC Proposes Rules to Enhance and Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors."
  3. Scope3. (2023). "Introducing the CDP Climate Disclosure: A Beacon for Corporate Sustainability and Scope 3 Emissions."
  4. Scope3. (2023). "Decoding CDP's Climate Disclosure: A Deep Dive into Section 12.a."
  5. Scope3. (2023). "Audit Alert: The Scope 3 Challenge and Why Businesses Must Rise to Meet It."